<艾的陰影> 譯詞


版主: thorn

Shadow <艾的陰影>  譯者:培根
I was six years old
When my parents went away
I was stuck inside a broken life
I couldn't wish away
She was beautiful
She had everything and more
And my escape was hiding out and running for the door
Somebody listen please
It used to be so hard being me

當年六歲時 父母親漸漸疏遠我 很想奪出這支離破碎的生活
她非常的漂亮 他擁有一切美好的事務 甚至更多
誰來傾聽我心裡的想法 簡直是難上加難

Living in the shadow
Of someone else's dream
Trying to find a hand to hold but every touch felt cold to me
Living in a nightmare
A never-ending sleep
But now that I am wide awake
My chains are finally free
Don't feel sorry for me

活在別人的影子下 別人的夢中裡
但他們對我來說 有如雪中送炭的不堪
可怕的夢魘 從沒有一個完整的睡眠
不過現在的我豁達了 所有枷鎖一一掙脫

All the days collided
One less perfect than the next
I was stuck inside someone else's life and always second best
Oh, I love you now 'cause now I realize
That it's safe outside to come alive in my identity
So if you're listening
There's so much more to me you haven't seen

日子一天比一天還糟糕 活生生地被烙印在別人的世界裡
第一好康的永遠輪不到我 但我還是愛妳
至今終於明白 外表與內心若能相契合一 就能美麗人生
如果妳們願意傾聽 將會發現我的不同

Mother, sister, father, sister, mother
Everything's cool now

媽媽 姐姐 爸爸 姐姐 媽媽 現在一切都太棒了

my life is good
I've got more than anyone should

生活過得很美好 我比每個人擁有的更多

And the past is in the past








http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia/geffen/ ... 7A3FA3DA5A

這支的MV.....分飾兩角..黑色頭髮是演自己 金黃色飾演她姐姐..拍得很有意境