【 LET GO 】


版主: 麵糰仔

it's useless
let go
the last blossom flower already loss
the spring already gone.

let go
although the gardener still watching
although seed sowing even
the rain are replaced with sweat and tears

let go
the love-boat were sinking never appearing on
top of the waves

let go,
let silent and peaceful to burn out
my uncontroling volcano.

the tree will hardly turn around bit by bit
become a petrifaction when that time
should we call that
the eternity what we waiting
I actually quite enjoy reading this poem,
but there're still quite a lot of grammatical mistakes and it's kinda annoying. Orz

It's like when you are reading a Chinese poem but you find many words in it are "錯別字".
Would you try to fix them? Because I think this one is really good.

I'll fix one for you.
"the rain are replace with sweat and tears" should be

Take your time!圖檔
I felt it sounded like a song while reading it. I liked the poem if I try my best not to mind those errors of grammars...
thanks for u said,and that also what i going to explaining...