

版主: thorn

Better Off<漸入佳境> 譯者:培根

The sky is fallin', and it's
Early in the mornin', but it's
Okay somehow
I spilt my coffee, it went
All over your clothes
I gotta wear mine now
時間飛逝 以開心的心情來迎接嶄新的早晨
倒掉苦澀的咖啡 扔了你所有的衣物

And I'm always, always, always late
And my hair's a mess
Even when it's straight

But so what?
I'm better off everyday
When I'm standing in the pouring rain
I don't mind
I think of you and everything's alright
I used to think i had it good
But now I know that I'm misunderstood
You would say
I'm better off in everyway
不過那又怎樣呢? 一天過得比一天還要好
當我被傾盆大雨淋得落湯雞時 我也不在乎
因為當我一想到你 就算每件事再怎麼糟糕
我曾以為這樣的想法是正確的 誰知道我太天真了
沒有你的日子 我一定會活的更開心

My friends keep calling, they say
They say I'm sullen
They wanna meet you now
I tell them hell no, I say
We're trying to lay low
Don't wanna lose what I've found
我的好友們一直關心我 他們說我像個石膏像 六神無主
他們甚至想找你理論 但不必了
我們試著私底下去溝通 因為我不想失去我擁有的

Things are finally, finally lookin' up
Oh, my feet are on the ground even though i'm stuck
就算現在暫時不能解脫 但我相信事情總會好轉的

The sky is fallin' and it's
Early in the mornin'
But it's okay

又是一首艾希莉的歌.. 最近一直狂聽...太讚了!!!
上次去聽過艾希莉的歌真的不賴呢 :)

不過那又怎樣呢? 一天過得比一天還要好
當我被傾盆大雨淋得落湯雞時 我也不在乎
因為當我一想到你 就算每件事再怎麼糟糕
我曾以為這樣的想法是正確的 誰知道我太天真了 沒有你的日子 我一定會活的更開心

之後也才知道離開了傾盆大雨以後的快樂 :roll: